Regain Control by Reducing Vendors & Simplifying Processes with CloseSimple


“We felt like we had lost control with the number of vendors we were working with. It was costing more, but more importantly, it was about consolidating control. We wanted a provider that could solve as many of our needs as possible. CloseSimple helped us reduce the number of vendors, simplify our processes, and give us back that control.”

Challenge: Managing Multiple Vendors and Systems

Last year, Cynthia Blair’s title company faced a significant challenge: managing numerous vendors and systems during a transition to a new title production software, SoftPro Select. This transition was a massive project, involving overhauling systems and processes. During this time, Cynthia realized that the company had accumulated many different vendors to address various needs, leading to a sense of lost control and complexity.

Solution: Consolidating with CloseSimple

To regain control and streamline operations, Cynthia decided to consolidate the number of vendors her company was working with. The goal was to find a provider that could address as many needs as possible, reducing the number of points of contact and simplifying the overall process. CloseSimple emerged as the ideal solution due to its ability to integrate multiple functionalities into a single platform, offering a more cohesive and manageable system.

Benefits: Simplified Management and Improved Efficiency

Implementing CloseSimple brought several key benefits:

  • Consolidated Control: CloseSimple allowed Cynthia’s company to reduce the number of vendors, leading to a single point of contact for multiple needs. This consolidation helped regain control over their operations.
  • Streamlined User Experience: With fewer platforms and portals to manage, the training process for new staff became simpler. Employees could easily get up to speed, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.
  • Enhanced Customer Interface: Simplifying the systems also improved the customer experience, as there were fewer touchpoints and a more consistent interface when interacting with the company.

This case study highlights how CloseSimple’s comprehensive and integrated approach helped Cynthia Blair’s title company streamline operations, reduce complexity, and improve both internal efficiency and the customer experience. By consolidating vendors and systems, CloseSimple provided a more manageable and effective solution for their title production needs.

Ready to regain control and simplify your processes like Cynthia Blair did? Discover how CloseSimple can help you consolidate vendors and streamline operations. Contact us today or book a demo to learn how we can provide a cohesive and manageable solution for your title production needs.