Cynthia Blair on How CloseSimple Helped Her Company Regain Control by Reducing Vendors & Simplifying Processes


“I believe in CloseSimple because there are a lot of great products and vendors out there, but most are solving for one or two issues. Our business operates differently from others, and we needed a solution that could handle our unique requirements. CloseSimple’s versatility and customization made it the perfect choice for us.”

Challenge: Finding a Comprehensive Solution

Cynthia Blair’s title company faced the challenge of selecting a title production software that could meet the diverse needs of their business. With various products and vendors available, most were only addressing one or two specific issues. The company required a solution that could handle their unique requirements while accommodating different operational preferences, such as varying levels of automation.

Solution: CloseSimple's Versatility and Customization

CloseSimple emerged as the ideal choice for Cynthia’s company due to its versatile and customizable nature. Unlike other title production software that offered limited functionality, CloseSimple provided a comprehensive solution that could be tailored to fit the company’s specific needs. This flexibility allowed Cynthia’s team to implement the right level of automation and address various business requirements seamlessly.

Benefits: Meeting Diverse Business Needs

By choosing CloseSimple, Cynthia’s title company experienced several key benefits:

  • Customizable Solutions: CloseSimple’s ability to be customized meant that the software could be adapted to meet the unique needs of the company, ensuring it aligned perfectly with their operational processes.
  • Versatility: The software’s versatility allowed it to address multiple business issues, providing a more holistic solution compared to other products that only solved one or two problems.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: With the right level of automation and comprehensive functionality, CloseSimple improved the overall efficiency of the company’s title production processes.

Cynthia Blair’s case study highlights the effectiveness of CloseSimple in providing a comprehensive and customizable title production solution. By addressing the diverse needs of her company, CloseSimple enabled Cynthia’s team to operate more efficiently and effectively, demonstrating the value of a versatile and adaptable software solution in the title production industry.

Want to experience the same comprehensive and customizable solutions that Cynthia’s company enjoys? Contact us today and schedule a demo to discover how CloseSimple can meet your unique business needs and streamline your title production processes.