Growth & Scale Report: [FULL STORY] Brian Pitman - Deep in the Heart of Texas

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Amidst the rolling plains and wide-open skies, Brian Pitman, CEO and co-founder of Independence Title, embarks on an annual odyssey unlike any other. While country songs often immortalize the journeys of cowboys and travelers, Brian's trek across the Lone Star State to visit team members from his 80 offices has yet to be sung about.

If ever there were a tune to be composed about such a venture, Brian Pitman would surely be its protagonist.

"Each of our 80 offices has its own unique personality," remarks Brian, his voice carrying the warmth of Texas hospitality. "With a name like Independence, it's only fitting that each office embodies its own character. But it's my responsibility to weave these individual threads together and ensure everyone is aligned with our shared vision."

This annual pilgrimage sees Brian embark on an 11-day journey, crisscrossing Texas to host 10 sessions with escrow assistants from his diverse array of offices.

"I logged 1,480 work miles on my truck because I want to connect with the folks who are the backbone of our operations," explains Brian, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of purpose. "Often, these hardworking individuals are so immersed in their day-to-day tasks that they may lose sight of the bigger picture. Amidst the constant flux of our industry and the world at large, it's crucial that everyone feels connected to our overarching mission."


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Brian's journey epitomizes his embrace of growth and adaptation.

Just 90 days after co-founding Independence Title in 2005, the company boasted eight offices and a team of 100 employees. To sustain this rapid expansion, Brian recognized the need for a delicate balance between strategic foresight and operational agility.

He prioritized cultivating a culture of camaraderie, trust, and support, ensuring that every member of his team felt valued and empowered.

For Brian, the annual voyage across Texas serves as a poignant reminder of the ethos he has instilled within Independence Title. Beyond mere greetings and fleeting interactions, these encounters serve to reaffirm his unwavering commitment to his team and the shared vision they uphold.

While traversing the vast expanse of Texas may seem impractical for some, the underlying principles of Brian's journey are universally applicable.


The essence of his approach can be distilled into five simple yet profound tenets:

First, underscore the importance of collective teamwork. Second, rekindle personal connections with team members. GSR Blog Ad

Third, actively solicit feedback and listen attentively. Fourth, provide targeted training and support. and finally, fifth, express genuine appreciation for the contributions of every individual.

Brian Pitman's annual journey stands as a testament to the enduring value of human connection, shared purpose, and unwavering dedication to the success of one's team.

So as the wheels roll on and the miles stretch out like a country road at dawn, Brian's journey resonates with the soulful spirit of a classic country tune —a tune of resilience, camaraderie, and the genuine pleasures of human connection.


The Growth & Scale Report is published by CloseSimple, and explores strategies for growth and tools for scaling your title or escrow company. The report emphasizes the art of balancing growth and scale, with a focus on personal and organizational success stories. It aims to share insights from industry leaders who have navigated these challenges, providing a platform for broader conversations in the business landscape.