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[VIDEO] Create a Remarkable Closing Experience // ALTA Webinar

Written by Bill Svoboda | July 25, 2019
Over 900 people signed up to hear our co-founder Bill Svoboda, as he was featured on the American Land Title's latest webinar (sponsored by Fidelity), titled "Make Yourself Remarkable: Marketing for Growth Begins with a Great Closing Experience." 
Bill discussed why title companies should stop trying to just compete against the next title company, and instead create a closing process that is "Remarkable" (worth talking about).  In addition to discussing how businesses in other industries are doing this, Bill moderates a conversation with Andi Bolin, President of Celebrity Title in Houston TX, and Brian Cooper, President of Unified Title in Colorado Springs CO.
In this webinar Bill, Andi and Brian discuss:
  • Why your real competition is not the title company down the street - it is Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Zappos, etc.
  • Why your team should book their next meeting at the local Nordstrom.
  • How a lunch from Panera could change EVERYTHING about your closing.
  • The difference between Customer Service and Customer Experience; and what that means for you, your team and your customers.
  • How to effectively "Date" your customers (Real Estate Agents)
  • How to create a dynamic team to offer a superior closing experience; beginning with hiring based on "happy."
Also, here are 5 big takeaways from the webinar:
1- In the mind of your customer, your competition isn't really the title company down the street from you, it's Amazon, Netflix, Apple, etc. - the companies that your customer interacts with on a daily basis.
2- The only way to Win in such a competitive market, is to create a Remarkable closing experience. Remarkable: something worth of attention and worth talking about.  
3- To create a remarkable closing experience, consider some of your best experiences at some of your favorite companies to work with.  Andi & Brian both gave great examples as you look at this through the lense of Customer Service (Reactive) vs Customer Experience (Proactive).

** Everyone went crazy over Andi's Closing Day Meal from Panera!
4- Don't leave "creating a remarkable closing experience" to chance.  To make sure your team is all on the "same page" with what you expect, consider role playing customer scenarios.  
5- To grow, we must know where to focus our attention.  As Andrew Acker from D. Bello Associates says, "A customer is always a referral source, but a referral source is not always a customer." How are you staying in touch with your best referral sources and as Brian Cooper says, "Staying in the Flow?"