Document Sharing  
in & out of your title production software.

Send and receive documents securely, directly to and from your Title Production software.


Focus on the closing instead of trying to collect documents

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Send & Receive Documents with Ease

CloseSimple Two-Way Document Sharing is delivered through the Collaborative Portal and allows you to send & receive documents securely to and from your Title Production software.

How it Works:

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Integrated & Automated.

CloseSimple Title Production Software Integrations are industry-leading, automation-driven solutions to ensure that CloseSimple is simple to use for your internal escrow team, paralegals, pre-closers, and closers. CloseSimple is integrated with SoftPro, ResWare, RamQuest, and GreenFolders. Some specifics for each can be found below: 

SoftPro & CloseSimple Integration

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  • Integrated directly through Softpro 360
  • Available on all SoftPro Versions
  • Automated through the built-in SoftPro automation configuration
  • Designed with the ability to capture most data fields including custom fields

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RamQuest & CloseSimple Integration


  • Integrated directly through Closing Market
  • Available on all RamQuest Versions (CCE, RQOne, and Horizon)
  • Semi-Automated through task completion
  • Designed to receive all data fields sent through the standard Closing Market API

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ResWare & CloseSimple Integration

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  • Integrated directly through the ResWare API
  • Available on all ResWare versions post 8.26
  • Automated through action completion
  • Designed with the ability to capture most data fields in ResWare

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Greenfolders & CloseSimple Integration


  • CloseSimple Collaborative Portal & features exclusive to the portal are not compatible with GreenFolders. 
  • Text & Email Notifications are available on GreenFolders. 

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Customer Case Study

"Realtors can open up their Portal, they can see all their closings with WACO... they can take that guesswork ouT."t

WACO Title

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